Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Best Soundproof Room Making

AD Home Maintenance Company 
Make Soundproof Room:
                                      Soundproofing makes your room quieter, by blocking-out external noise, while… Acoustic Treatment makes your room sound better on a recording, by absorbing excessive ambience.
  Soundproofing is done to either block noise from entering a room or to block noise from leaving a roomSoundproofing works by using materials that either reduce or absorb sound. ... Recording studios use soundproofing not to keep sound in, but to 
 Method 1 Easy Methods
1.Install sound curtains or thick blankets. You can absorb a little sound by mounting thick blankets to the wall. ...
2.Use bookcases. You can make walls thicker and more soundproofed by simply making use of bookshelves. ...
3.Mount shaky items. ...
4.Install a door sweep. ...
5.Use acoustic wedges panels.

Best Products for Soundproof.
  1. Mass-Loaded Vinyl Sound Barrier. ...
  2. Acoustic Mineral Wool Insulation. ...
  3. Green Glue Soundproofing Compound. ...
  4. Resilient Sound Channels. ...
  5. Soundproof Drywall. ...
  6. Acoustic Caulk/Sealant. ...
  7. Soundproof Foam Panels. ...
  8. Soundproof Blankets.
Contact:- 9111000731 / 9111000732
Android app available in playstore

Monday, 9 December 2019

Safety & Secure Handyman service company

Basic Electrical Service Information 
   Cable :- 1. HT cable (High tension line)
    2.LT cable (Low tension line)
        HT CABLE ( High tension line)
             LT CABE ( Low tension line )

1. HT = High Tension (Transformer HT side) = हाई टेंशन
2. LT = Low Tension = लो टेंशन
3. AB switch = Air Break switch = एयर ब्रेक स्विच
4. DO fuse = Drop Out fuse = ड्राप आउट फ्यूज
5. ACB = Air Circuit Breaker = एयर सर्किट ब्रेकर
6. VCB = Vacuum Circuit Breaker = वैक्यूम सर्किट ब्रेकर
7. SF6 Circuit Breaker = Sulphur Hexafluoride Circuit Breaker = सल्फर हेक्साफ्लोराइड सर्किट ब्रेकर
8. ACDB = Alternating Current Distribution Board =अल्टरनेटिंग करंट डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन बोर्ड
9. DCDB =Direct Current Distribution Board = डायरेक्ट करंट डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन बोर्ड
10.PDB = Power Distribution Board = पावर डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन बोर्ड
              Power Distribution Board

11.MPDB = Main Power Distribution Board = मेन पावर डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन बोर्ड
12.PCC = Power Control Centre = पावर कंट्रोल सेंटर
13.MCC = Motor Control Centre = मोटर कंट्रोल सेंटर
14.MCP = Motor Control Panel = मोटर कंट्रोल पैनल
15.VVVF = Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Drive = वेरिएबल वोल्टेज वेरिएबल फ्रीक्वेंसी ड्राइव
16.VSD = Variable Speed Drive = वेरिएबल स्पीड ड्राइव
17.DOL = Direct On Line =डायरेक्ट ऑनलाइन
18.RDOL = Reverse Duty On Line = रिवर्स ड्यूटी ऑनलाइन
19.MLDB = Main Lighting Distribution Board = मेन लाइटिंग डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन बोर्ड
20.SLDB = Secondary Lighting Distribution Board = सेकेंडरी लाइटिंग डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन बोर्ड

21.EMLDB = Emergency Lighting Distribution Board = इमरजेंसी लाइटिंग डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन बोर्ड
22.CPSS = Construction Power Substation = कंस्ट्रक्शन पावर सब स्टेशन
23.DSS = Distribution Power Substation = डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन पावर सब स्टेशन
24.RCC = Remote Control Cables = रिमोट कंट्रोल केबल
25.MCB = Miniature Circuit Breaker = मिनिएचर सर्किट ब्रेकर
26.MCCB = Moulded Case Circuit Breaker = मॉड्यूलड केस सर्किट ब्रेकर
27.MPCB = Motor Protection Circuit Breaker =मोटर प्रोटेक्शन सर्किट ब्रेकर
28.EMPR = Electronic Motor Protection Relay = इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मोटर प्रोटेक्शन रिले
29.RCCB = Residual Current Circuit Breaker = रेजिदुअल करंट सर्किट ब्रेकर
30.RCBO = Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Over-current Protection = रेजिदुअल करंट सर्किट ब्रेकर विद अवर करंट प्रोटेक्शन
31.ELCB = Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker = अर्थ लीकेज सर्किट ब्रेकर
32.HRC = fuse High Rupture Capacity fuse = फ्यूज हाई रप्चर कैपेसिटी फ्यूज
33.OLTC = On Load Tap Changer =ओन लोड टैप चेंजर
34.FCMA = Flux Compensated Magnetic Amplifier =फ्लक्स कोम्पेंसटेड मैग्नेटिक एंपलीफायर
35.UPS = Un-interrupted Power Supply = अन इंटरेपटड पावर सप्लाई
36.SMF Battery = Sealed Maintenance Free Battery = शील्ड मेंटेनेंस फ्री बैटरी
37.JB = Junction Box =जंक्शन बॉक्स
38.PB = Push Button = पुश बटन
39.TB = Terminal Box = टर्मिनल बॉक्स
40.LCB = Local Control Board = लोकल कंट्रोल बोर्ड
[04/11, 8:40 p.m.] ROHAN DADARAO WANKHADE: 41.LCS = Local Control Station = लोकल कंट्रोल स्टेशन
42.SPNDB = Short circuit Protection Neutral Distribution Board = शार्ट सर्किट प्रोटक्शन न्यूट्रल डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन बोर्ड
43.TPNDB =Three Phase and Neutral Distribution Board = थ्री फेज एंड न्यूट्रल डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन बोर्ड
44.CT = Current Transformer = करंट ट्रांसफार्मर
45.PT = Potential Transformer = पोटेंशियल ट्रांसफार्मर
46.SCIM = Squirrel Cage Induction Motor = स्कुइर्रेल केज इंडक्शन मोटर
47.ACVS = Air Conditioning and Ventilation System =कंडीशनिंग एंड वेंटिलेशन सिस्टम
48.FDA = Fire Detection and Alarm =फायर डिटेक्शन एंड अलार्म
49.PCS = Pull Cord Switch = पुल कार्ड स्विच
50.ZSS = Zero Speed Switch =जीरो स्पीड स्विच
51.BSS = Belt Sway Switch = बेल्ट सवे स्विच
52.NO = Normally Opened = नॉर्मल ओपन
53.NC = Normally Closed = नॉर्मली क्लोज
54.TEFC = Total Enclosed Fan Cooled = टोटल इन क्लोज्ड फैन कुल्ड
55.TESC = Totally Enclosed Surface Cooled = टोटल इन क्लोज सरफेस कुल्ड
56.ISMC = Indian Standard Medium weight Channel =इंडियन स्टैंडर्ड मीडियम वेट चैनल
57.GI busbar = Galvanized Iron bus bar (for Earthing) = गैल्वेनाइज्ड आयरन बस बार

Friday, 30 August 2019

Modern Interior Design Elements for Your Home

Modern Interior Design Elements for Your Home

if you’re trying to make your home a little more current but don’t want to break things down or pay someone a fortune for advice, here’s an easy way to achieve the look of a contemporary home with modern interior design elements. 

Bhopal Interior Project

For the walls, furnishings, flooring and fixtures, stick to neutral colors like shades of white, grey, brown, tan, cream and brown. These are classic colors which will make sure your interiors always stay current. Add pops of color in hues that compliment your design scheme. Whether it’s one brightly painted wall or bright green stools, choose any shade and texture but make sure you maintain a good balance between neutrals and colorful accents. 

Make your home look fashionable by adding natural components like bamboo, teak, rock, wool, etc. You can do this by including simple decorative elements made from organic materials throughout the house like a bowl of seashells in the bathroom or some cane furniture in the balcony.


Modern interior lighting is all about connecting the interiors with the outside world. To do this, you will need plenty of natural lighting (skylights, large windows, etc.), You can also install various kinds of lights like lamps, track lighting and ceiling lights so that you can alter them throughout the day and make the house dimmer towards the evening and night.


Add a sophisticated look to your home by including metallic pieces or elements. Whether it’s a table with metallic legs or stainless steel fixtures, metal adds some glamour to the home. If you just want to add a little metal to your existing décor then hang up a mirror or metal pieces of sculpture.

An open floor plan is what most people look for these days. You don’t have to tear down walls to achieve this. Instead, you can simply make each room more open looking by limiting the amount of stuff in it and keeping the furniture sleek (sofas with legs to make them look less chunky). You can also use light and colour carefully to make sure each room seamlessly connects with the next.

modern interior design 6

Modern design includes a lot of technology but also requires them to be hidden. Wires and remote access controls for various devices are cleverly hidden behind beautiful decor. Lights appear to come out of the ceiling and music is played from speakers that cannot be seen. Hiding technology is a huge part of modern interior design. 

Modern interior design states that form follows function. Instead of filling your home with things that are good-looking but serve no purpose, create spaces that are efficient but also attractive. This is especially important for your kitchen. Here everything from the storage spaces to the lighting, everything should be planned with convenience in mind. 

         Make Home Modern With Interior Design Expert

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Access Control System

Access Control System 

Access control is a way of limiting access to a system or to physical or virtual resources. In computing, access control is a process by which users are granted accessand certain privileges to systems, resources or information.

                                               Image result for access control
Access control systems come in three variations: Discretionary Access Control(DAC), Mandatory Access Control (MAC), and Role Based Access Control
Why Building Access Control Systems Are Important for Overall Safety. Access control systems are an essential part of commercial security systems. With access control, you can effectively keep your building safe and secure, by controlling the movement of people in and out of the building

                                      Image result for access control

Types of Access Control
Three access control paradigms organize how people gain access: role-basedaccess control (RBAC), discretionary access control (DAC), and mandatoryaccess control (MAC).
                                          Image result for access control

The need to know principle can be enforced with user access controls and authorization procedures and its objective is to ensure that only authorized individuals gain access to information or systems necessary to undertake their duties.
Why Building Access Control Systems Are Important for Overall Safety. Access control systems are an essential part of commercial security systems. With access control, you can effectively keep your building safe and secure, by controlling the movement of people in and out of the building

                                      Image result for access control
Building Access Control

Why Building Access Control Systems Are Important for Overall Safety. Access control systems are an essential part of commercial security systems. With access control, you can effectively keep your building safe and secure, by controlling the movement of people in and out of the building

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Happy Krishna Janmashtami

Happy Krishna Janmashtami 

Best Handyman Service Company 

Shree Krishna Janmashtami 

Krishna Janmashtami Festival is celebrated on the eighth day which is named as Ashtami of dark fortnight i.e Krishna paksha in the month of Bhadrapad which falls on August-September of Hindu calendar. Ashtami means eight. Rasa Lila, also known as Raas Leela. Rasa dance is a part of Krishna story. Rasa Lila is a special attraction for Mathura and Vrindavan regions and also regions which follow Vaishnavism in Manipur.

                           Happy Krishna Janmashtami Quotes, Wishes in Hindi, English

  • May lord Krishna show you the way in your life as He showed the way to Arjuna in the battle of Mahabharata at Kurukshetra.
    Happy Janmashtami!
  • If things are happening according to your wish
    you are lucky but if not IT’S HAPPENING ACCORDING TO KRISHNA”S WISH
    HARE KRISHNA – Janmashtami
    Happy Krishna Janmashtami!
  • “May Lord Krishna come to your house & take away all your Makhan- Mishri with all your worries & sorrow”.
  • If you don’t fight for what you want;
    Don’t cry for what you lost.
    ~The Bhagavad Geta

  •                   Happy Krishna Janmashtami quotes
नन्द के घर आनंद भयो , हाथी घोड़ा पालकी, जय कन्हैया लाल की! शुभ जन्मआष्ट्मी!
होता है प्यार क्या ??? दुनिया को जिसने बताया …. दिल के रिश्तों को जिसने प्रेम से सजाया … आज उन श्री कृष्ण का जन्मदिन है 🙂 🙂 हैप्पी बर्थडे कृष्ण जी 🙂 🙂
श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी , हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा , एक मात स्वामी सखा हमारे , हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा.. जय श्री कृष्ण
www.anantadoyens.in                                                anantadoyens@gmail.com

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Best Pest Control Service In Bhopal

Best Pest Control Service In Bhopal


What is pest control services

Pest control is the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest, a member of the animal kingdom that impacts adversely on human activities. ... This can be achieved by monitoring the crop, only applying insecticides when necessary, and by growing varieties and crops which are resistant to pests.

Responsibilities of a pest control operator

1) Spray or dust chemical solutions, powders, or gases into rooms, onto clothing, furnishings or wood, and over marshlands, ditches, and catch-basins. 2) Set mechanical traps and place poisonous paste or bait in sewers, burrows, and ditches

Pest Control Workers - What They Do. ... Pest control workers remove these creatures from households, apartment buildings, places of businesses, and other structures, to protect people and maintain structural integrity. Common pests include roaches, rats, mice, spiders, termites, ants, and bedbugs

Types of Pesticides
  • Insecticides – insects.
  • Herbicides – plants.
  • Rodenticides – rodents (rats & mice)
  • Bactericides – bacteria.
  • Fungicides – fungi.
  • Larvicides – larvae.

The typical one-time cost for pest control is around $3 Sqft to $ 8 Sqft. This cost is higher than most listed averages because it is a one-time visit only. In these cases, there is usually a lot of work to be done including assessment of the infestation, finding the lair, and identifying entry points into your home.

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Interior work

                   ANANTA DOYENS

Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. An interior designer is someone who plans, researches, coordinates, and manages such projects.

How to Describe Space Using Interior Design Elements
  1. Think about the element of line. Look at the lines in the room formed by the walls and ceiling. ...
  2. Consider the element of form. Look at whether the lines in the room form a square room, a rectangular room, an oval room or any other shape. ...
  3. Take stock of the room's color. ...
  4. Look carefully at the textures in the room.

  • Balance. In design, balance creates a feeling of equilibrium. ...
  • Harmony. Harmony is created when all the elements act together to create a unified message. ...
  • Emphasis. A room where everything gets equal importance will seem either scattered or boring. ...
  • Proportion and Scale.
  • 7 Elements of Interior Design
    • Space. Space is one of the most important elements of interior design. ...
    • Line. Lines give birth to forms and shapes and are responsible for establishing a sense of harmony, contrast and unity (3 of the 7 principles) in a living space. ...
    • Forms. ...
    • Light. ...
    • Color. ...
    • Texture. ...
    • Pattern

Friday, 9 August 2019



AD Home Maintenance Company provides the best RO Water Purifier Repair service in BHOPAL, We have more than 10 years’ experience expert Ro Water Purifier Repair service partner and companies in BHOPAL who are able to solve all,Bhopal  Ro Repair, Kent Ro Repair Service, Water purifier Repair Service, Aquafresh RO repair, Ro Water Purifier Filter Change, Ro Membrane Repair, Ro water purifier is not Working, Ro Purifier Installation, Domestic RO repair, Commercial Ro Repair, Industrial Ro Repair Service with his team.

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that uses a partially permeable membrane to remove ions, unwanted molecules and larger particles from drinking water.

  • HUL Pureit 5 Ltrs Classic RO+UV 6 Stage Water Purifier. ...
  • Blue Star Majesto MA4BSAM01 8-Litre RO+UV Water Purifier. ...
  • Ruby RO+Uv+TDS Controller Water Purifier. ...
  • Havells Max RO+UV+Mineralizer, 8 Litres Water Purifier with Revitalizer.

In fact, water contains healthy amounts of many essential nutrients. This leads many to believe that reverse osmosis water is not safe to drink or at the very least inadequate. This is wrong. Yes, RO water doesn't have many of the essential nutrients you need for your health.

Claims that RO water is not good for health is made on three points, one that ROwater has no essential minerals in it. ... It is true that RO water filter removes all the impurities in water including all bacteria, germs and at the same time removes the dissolved salts in the water.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

How Does Home Plumbing Work?

Ananta Doyens Handyman Service

Expert and Professional In Your Service

How Does Home Plumbing Work?

There’s nothing more marvelous than plumbing. Running water, a hot shower, and a toilet is luxury. But how does plumbing work? Click here and find out more.
You love your home plumbing – but do you know how to answer the question, “How does plumbing work?”
If you’ve ever been on a long camping or backpacking trip, you no doubt returned with a newfound appreciation for the miracle of modern plumbing. But it’s not magic – and anyone can learn the basics of home plumbing How does plumbing work?

Your home’s plumbing system is made of a network of pipes. It includes drain pipes, vent pipes, water supply pipes, and other kinds of pipes.
The plumbing system is complicated, which is why it tends to be more expensive to repair than other home systems. However, that’s why it also pays to learn to answer the question, “How does plumbing work?”
When you understand a little bit about your plumbing system, you can more quickly address problems. You’ll know what you might be able to do it yourself, and when it’s time to call a plumber.
And when they come, you can help correctly point them to the issue that needs to be resolved.
A plumbing system essentially has to get water to all the fixtures, faucets, and appliances that use water in your home. It also has to remove waste water efficiently without getting backed up or clogged.
A good plumbing system can also save you a lot of money over time. If you plan ahead when you design the system, you can put rooms like the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room next to each other, so parts of the plumbing can be shared.
The plumbing system is actually a network of a few different interconnected systems. The home gets fresh water through the water supply pipes, usually from a well or water utility. That water flows to the toilets, sinks, showers, washing machines, and other fixtures in the house.
Meanwhile, the drain-waste-vent system removes the dirty water and waste to the septic tank or sewer.
Finally, natural-gas plumbing doesn’t involve water at all but sends natural gas as fuel to furnaces, gas-burning stoves, water heaters, dryers, and more.
Now, let’s take a closer look at the different plumbing systems to more thoroughly answer the “How does plumbing work?” question.

Water Supply

The water supply system sends municipal water to your house from the city supply, or sometimes from a well. Once it gets to your house, that water supply branches into a network of pipes that reach appliances like the dishwasher and water heater, as well as faucets in the sinks, showers, and other areas of the house that use water.Water pipes get the water where it needs to be, along with the proper valves and fittings, and the faucets at the end of the line. The pipes and fittings are usually made of copper, galvanized iron, or plastic.Most water supply pipes are between a half-inch and four inches in diameter. Sometimes they may be even larger.


This is an essential part of your home’s plumbing system. The drain-waste-vent system carries away sewage and wastewater from your home’s toilets, sinks, showers, dishwashers, washing machines, and any other places where water waste is created.
This system brings that waste to the public sewer or septic tank, depending on how your home is designed.
In addition to this drain-waste piping, there’s the vent system, which tends to be less well understood. The vent system ventilates gases from the sewage so that they don’t get into the house.
This system also helps the drainpipes keep the correct pressure to keep working effectively.
Usually, the pipes in the drain-waste-vent system are hidden from sight. This is a system that you’ll rarely think about when it’s working properly. But when something goes wrong, it can become a huge issue.
One of the most typical problems with this system is a clogged drain. The best systems clog rarely, but no system is entirely clog-proof.