Saturday, 20 June 2020

6 टिप्स मानसून सीज़न में घर के लिए बेस्ट

 6 टिप्स मानसून सीज़न में घर के लिए बेस्ट 
AD Home Maintenance company 

1.यदि आप स्वतंत्र घर या विला में रहते हैं, तो आपको रिसाव, दरार आदि के लिए अपनी छत की पूरी तरह से जांच करनी चाहिए। आप छत की नाली और पाइप को साफ करने और पाइपों को बंद करने के साथ-साथ यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए छत पर मामूली मरम्मत करवा सकते हैं।  बारिश के पानी को अच्छी तरह से बहाएं
2.दरारें, नमी या पानी के छल्ले के लिए अपने घर की दीवारों की जांच करें, जिन्हें प्लास्टर ऑफ पेरिस के एक अस्थायी उपचार के साथ मरम्मत की जा सकती है।  आप दीवारों में दरार को कम करने और नम दीवारों के कारण पानी के रिसाव से बचने के लिए नम ब्लॉक समाधान का विकल्प भी चुन सकते हैं।

3.आपको अपने बगीचे और हेज को खरपतवारों के विकास से बचने के लिए प्रून करना चाहिए।  ऊंचे पौधों, घास और पत्ते कई कीटों और कीड़ों के लिए एक प्रजनन भूमि हो सकते हैं।  चूंकि इनडोर प्लांट्स आपके घर में नमी को बढ़ाते हैं, इसलिए बारिश के मौसम में अपने पौधों को बाहर रखना सबसे अच्छा होता है।4.अपनी छत, सामने, आंगन, या किसी अन्य स्थान पर ऐसे क्षेत्रों की तलाश करें जहाँ पानी जमा हो सकता है।  इन क्षेत्रों को मलेरिया के मच्छरों के लिए प्रजनन क्षेत्र बनने से रोकने के लिए उन्हें साफ करना या उन्हें ढंकना सुनिश्चित करें।  साथ ही सभी प्रकार के खाली डिब्बे, टायर आदि को हटा दें जिनमें पानी इकट्ठा हो सकता है।

5.किसी बिजली के बिंदु खुले में हैं या बारिश के पानी के संपर्क में हो सकते हैं, यह जांचने के लिए एक इलेक्ट्रीशियन को तैनात करें।  इस तरह के किसी भी उजागर स्विच या वायर्ड को तुरंत कवर किया जाना चाहिए और पानी रिसना तय होना चाहिए।
आप लकड़ी और लोहे के फर्नीचर को लीक खिड़कियों से दूर ले जा सकते हैं।  आप फर्नीचर को वॉटरप्रूफिंग समाधान के साथ स्प्रे कर सकते हैं ताकि यह सुनिश्चित किया जा सके कि नमी अपनी सुंदरता से शादी नहीं करती है।  स्लाइडिंग खिड़कियों और बालकनी के दरवाजों को भी रबर की परत के साथ जांचना और ठीक करना चाहिए।

Friday, 19 June 2020

Home Maintenance Tips During The Monsoon Season

How To Maintain Your Home In Monsoon Season 
CHECK LEAKS IN ROOFS AND WALLS. To stay protected in monsoon, you need to check the roof of the house and walls for leakage if any. ..REGULAR CLEANING OF CARPETS AND RUGS. It is best to avoid anything fancy during the monsoons. ..CHECK ELECTRICAL STUFF. .PROTECT WOODEN FURNITURE AND FLOORING
Indian monsoons are already in. Raindrops have been pouring in the city for quite some time now. During the season of sudden downpours not only do you need to carry an umbrella at all times but you also need to take good care of your health. Wait, did you forget something? How about protecting your homes? The monsoon rains provide the much-needed respite from scorching heat as well as usher in lush green surroundings. But this season can be a nightmare for your home if you are not fully prepared for the wet times ahead. Although the rains bring pleasant weather but along with it comes problems as well. As much as we all love the smell of the first drops on dry, acrid land announcing the onset of the rains, the incessant downpour often wrecks hell with our homes forcing us to pray for it to end.


To stay protected in monsoon, you need to check the roof of the house and walls for leakage if any. Repair the leakages and apply the waterproof coating in the roof and terrace, for better result. Also, check the roof’s water pipes to see if there is any wreckage as it can block the water pipe and can create a problem for smooth water flow from the roof during rain. There can never be enough of tiny, imperceptible cracks and crevices all over your home to turn it into an instant aquarium. Check for fissures along the walls, ceiling, leaky pipes and taps that never really stop dripping. And get them sorted before the start of the season. Damaged roofs also lead to water seepage leaving patches on the wall on the first pour itself. If this is taken lightly, damage to household things like electronic items, crockery is bound to happen due to leakages. Damp swelling on your paint coated walls giving them a bloated effect is a telltale sign of leakage of external pipes.


It is best to avoid anything fancy during the monsoons. The chances of it getting spoilt increases because of the rains. Carpets and rugs get spoilt due to moisture and become smelly. It is time to roll the rugs and carpets to protect them from mold and fungus that the constant dampness and increased humidity may cause. Carpets catch damp and produce a fusty smell, so to prevent this you need to vacuum the carpets and rugs on a daily basis to prevent moisture and dust. You can also wrap up the rugs in polythene sheets to avoid water and insect influx. Also, avoid drapes that are heavy. It is extremely difficult for them to dry during monsoons if they get wet. Also, you should place doormats at the entrance of the house to avoid muddy shoes making the house dirty.


Deploy an electrician to check if any electric points are in the open or may be exposed to rainwater. Any such exposed switches or wired should be immediately covered and water seepage fixed. A thorough check should be done to the electrical system by a trained electrician in the electrical grounding system. Make sure to properly cover the joints and ensure quality wires for the household electrical items. If your electricity box is near the window or at a place where it might get wet, cover it with plastic and keep it closed at all items. Check the electrical room and generator room to see if there are any leakages and fix it to avoid electric shock.


The rainwater moisture can enter in your wooden furniture like cupboards and drawers and can ruin contents. You can use naphthalene balls in your closet which will protect your clothes and other valuable things from moisture as well as insects. Alternatively, you can put Neem leaves as it prevents silverfish to enter your cupboards in monsoon and can use cloves to keep insects away from your clothes. You may move the wooden and iron furniture away from leaky windows. You can spray the furniture with a waterproofing solution to ensure that the dampness does not mar its beauty. The chances of termite attack in homes increases during the rainy season. It is best to get your home tested for termites. Termite control spray should be used in case even a single termite is spotted. It can also be sprayed as a preventive measure. Special care needs to be taken if you have wooden flooring. When it rains, wooden floors and doors absorb more moisture, you can apply wax to it and prevent that extra moisture.Monsoons are beautiful and enjoying them without worries is all that we wish for. It is better to follow a few preventive measures to avoid major consequences to our homes due to rains. Furthermore, you can check out more residential properties by

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Beautiful Ceilings Design By Us

When most of us think about the Ceiling for our homes,the thing that comes to our mind is white and flat.Not many think of incorporating in unique Ceiling design to their bedroom or living area. Ceiling designs are usually the last thing we think of when decorating our homes,but it can give a room a unique character that no amount of art and furniture can do. A great Ceiling design draw the eyes, whether it is in Living room, Dining area, Kitchen or bedroom, can change a room. It can leave an everlasting impression in the mind of those who step in.

Ananta Doyens Home Maintenance service 
Contact:- 9179671998
Location:- All Over MP